Palavra do sócio fundador
Atendendo a área empresarial contenciosa por mais de uma década, acompanhamos muitas mudanças.
Presenciamos o mundo se tornar uma aldeia global onde transações são feitas independente do lugar e do tempo graças à tecnologia. Vimos organizações enxugarem suas gorduras, reduzirem seu tamanho, eliminarem níveis hierárquicos, terceirizarem atividades não essenciais, formarem parcerias, criarem estruturas mais simples e sustentáveis e executarem sua missão em qualquer lugar do globo. Competir ganhou novos contornos.
Acompanhamos as pessoas mudarem. Observamos uma explosão de novas habilidades e competências, diferentes idades e bases culturais, preferências e estilos de vida, múltiplos valores pessoais e sociais.
Também os nossos próprios hábitos mudaram. Acordamos e lemos as principais notícias do dia em nossos “smartphones”, conferindo a agenda do dia e respondendo os primeiros e-mails antes mesmo de chegarmos ao escritório. A velocidade de nossas ações se transformou.
Em um mundo onde tudo muda muito e rapidamente, o relacionamento com clientes também não passou incólume. Em tempos de crise, clientes desejavam ser apoiados em suas decisões e assessorados em suas ações. Empresas buscavam uma autonomia e empoderamento já não atendidos pela advocacia contenciosa considerada, até então, suficientemente boa.
Em outras palavras, nossos clientes nos ensinaram que utilizar um serviço jurídico funcional, por si só já não bastava. Muitos paradigmas da gestão contenciosa ruíram e só uma autêntica e genuína vontade de aceitar novos posicionamentos, processos e premissas na gestão processual seria capaz de manter a relevância da Targino.
Não hesitamos em criar o comitê interno de experiência e inovação a fim de reciclar e elevar o nível de nossos serviços. Uma talentosa e visionária equipe de advogados redefiniu as verticais do nosso trabalho, se debruçando no que realmente faria a diferença para os clientes.
Hoje temos a satisfação de timbrar na advocacia contenciosa brasileira uma nova assinatura. Executar um serviço jurídico capaz de apresentar o resultado de uma gestão processual em tempo real, de maneira transparente.
Chegou tempo para gerar um valor inovador para empresários e organizações. Aliás, esta é a promessa da Targino: proporcionar uma experiência jurídica surpreendente, através de uma prestação futurista, com credibilidade e alto desempenho.
Rogério Targino
Sócio-fundador da Targino Advogados
Presidente do Grupo Targino
OAB SP 11.538
CONTENTIOUS PEAK EXPERIENCEExperienced litigation experience significantly | PROCESS MANAGEMENT CAPABILITYPerfect synergy between people and artificial intelligence | LEGAL ON DEMAND SOLUTIONSYour DNA ahead of our work | MOBILE INTELLIGENCE ENTERPRISEOperation, performance and contingency in real time | FLUID PORTFOLIO MIGRATION | MAPPING AND RECONSTRUCTION OF COLLECEmergencies happen. We are prepared to assist . |
We are an advocacy business full service that attends contentiously portfolios throughout the national territory, acting in the legal scene for over a decade.
We exist to create an amazing litigation experience to our customers through a transparent rendering futuristic and high performance.
We combine this new type of litigation experience to an innovative technology platform , rescuing the refined and handmade tract to medium and large scale portfolio , incorporating the identity purpose and customer action time in managing their own processes.
We use the highest degree in all our capabilities and resources in order to be 2020 largest and most respected law firms in the country.
We want to adopt attitudes posturs, behaviors and actions that promote sustainable relationships at various levels always for the benefit of the community .
Rogério Targino
Founding Partner
The office over sees the decrease of negative impacts on the environment by practicing policy "papper less " and supporting the project "co2 Neutral" We have certification " neutralizer carbon " to minimize the impacts of the environment in our activities.
We have the pro bono title, the advisory program aimed at proven needy people who actions that do not have as object receiving financial figures.
We have an assistance to cultural organizations and religious program that do not have profit and which are guided by the same ethical principles , philosophical , and moral that we rely on. We started in 2016 a project supporting the chamber orchestra of the conservatory Villa Lobos of Osasco wolves who aims to allow access of poor children to musical culture.
Palavra do sócio fundador
A word from our founding investor
Attending to the contentious business area for more than a decade we follow many changes.
We witness the world become a global village where transactions are made independent of place and time thanks to technology. We have seen organizations clean up your fats and reduce its size, eliminating hierarchical levels , outsource non-core activities , form partnerships to create more simple sustainable structures and perform their mission anywhere in the world. Compete and gained new contours .
We been keeping up with people changes, we observed an explosion of new skills and competencies, different ages cultural backgrounds preferences lifestyles multiple personal and social values.
Also our own habits have changed. We wake up and read the news in our " smartphones " , looking at the day 's agenda and answering the first e- mails before getting to the office. To speed up our actions become.
In a world where everything changes very quickly and the customer relationship also has not gone unscathed. In times of crisis customers wanted to be supported in their decisions and advised in their actions. Companies seeking autonomy and empowerment no longer served by litigation are considered until they are good enough .
In other words, our customers have taught us that using a functional legal service in itself was not enough. Many paradigms of litigation management collapsed and only an authentic and genuine willingness to accept new positions processes and premises in procedural management would be able to maintain the relevance of Targino.
We do not hesitate to create the internal committee of experience and innovation in order to recycle and raise the level of our services. A talented and visionary team of lawyers redefined the vertical of our work , leaning on what really would make a difference to customers.
Today we are pleased to give the Brazilian litigation a new signature . Run a legal service capable of displaying the result of a process management in real time, transparently.
It came time to generate an innovative value to businesses and organizations.This is the promise of Targino : providing a surprising legal experience through a futuristic provision credible and high performance.
Rogério Targino
Founding partner of Targino Lawyers
Chairman of the Group Targino